My approach is highly influenced by the notion that emotional well-being, spiritual health, personal development and fulfillment from life occur in the presence of supportive, positive relationships. We rely on others to survive, and to thrive.
Too often it is the case that experiences in life – particularly in our childhood – teach us to be wary of others. Challenges to trust and safety – such as loss and trauma – have the tendency to ask that we put aside any needs for affiliation and contact so as to avoid further pain or disappointment.
While we may attain some measure of control over our experience, the price we pay can be high: Isolation, troublesome and unhealthy habits, addiction, interpersonal dissatisfaction, and such symptoms as anxiety and depression.
In general, my approach begins with the understanding that all the ways a person struggles in life reflect a deeper story, and that there is great value to seeking out the words to share this story. From there, I work actively with my clients to address internal obstacles to engagement in life, including relationships.
There are many different ways to get there. I am trained in numerous techniques and seek to find an approach that is unique to the needs of each person.
Beyond my education and training, I have had the good fortune to work in environments and with clients that have taught me a great deal about how to be helpful as a psychologist. This has provided me with a combination of flexibility and groundedness in my approach. I strive in my work to sustain a sensitivity to and appreciation of identity and how it participates in the therapeutic relationship.
Experience and Education Highlights:
- Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology
- B.A. in English and Comparative Literature from Occidental College
- Certified in Group Psychotherapy by the American Group Psychotherapy Association
- Until 2019, worked for 10 years as Director of Counseling and Psychological Services at Emmons Wellness Center, Occidental College
- Former Intern and Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Saturday Center for Psychotherapy
- Former Clinical Supervisor at Emmons Wellness Center, Occidental College
- Member of the Board and Co-Chair of Curriculum, the Group Psychotherapy Association of Los Angeles (GPALA)
- Member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association
- Member of the American Psychological Association (APA)
- Member of APA Division 49: Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy
- Member of the San Gabriel Valley Psychological Association
- Member of the California Psychological Association